Privateer Objectives
Technological objectives
- Investigate and identify the threat landscape for 6G networks, focusing on the new threats related to 6G innovations; identify the shortcomings and especially privacy concerns of existing security mechanisms.
- Enable privacy-preserving explainable and decentralised robust AI-driven security analytics for 6G networks.
- Introduce user “privacy intent” in 6G slicing and orchestration.
- Enable privacy-preserving distributed attestation, identification and CTI-sharing within the 6G ecosystem, with specific focus on dynamic zero-trust infrastructures.
- Integrate the PRIVATEER security enablers into a coherent framework and verify it in a B5G test network, also assessing their threats and vulnerabilities.
- Maximise the impact of PRIVATEER and its results.
Impact and User-Oriented Objectives
- Identification/characterisation of the threat landscape applying to future end-to-end 6G connectivity and service systems and of the technologies and architecture to mitigate them.
- Availability of technologies supporting the necessary levels of trustworthiness, resilience, openness, transparency, and dependability expected under the EU regulations (such as GDPR and Cyber Security Act, including associated provisions including new certification processes etc) across a complete continuum incorporating the human-cyber-physical system including connectivity-service provision.
- Availability of technologies ensuring secure, privacy preserving and trustworthy services in the context of a programmable platform accessed by multi-stakeholders and tenants including vertical industries as users.
- Availability of security technologies and processes addressing the challenge of open- source solutions developed in the context of multi-vendor interoperability.
- Secure host-neutral infrastructure where multiple infrastructure providers are involved in the deployment, hosting and orchestration of the network service.
- Identification of the life cycle of smart services security and trust requirements including development, provision, operation, maintenance and of their business impact on the stakeholders’ ecosystem.
- AI technology applied to security in two ways: i) correct application of AI to enhance security in 6G; ii) consideration of potential security threats using AI.